Congratulations Prince Township

In Prince Township Industrial Wind development has had many years to live up to the sales pitch.  "We were the guinea pigs" said  Councilor Amy Zucatto as she brought to the November 8 2011 Prince Township meeting a request on behalf of Lake Superior Action Research Conservation ( that the  Wind Concerns Ontario petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for a moratorium be endorsed by Council.

A preliminary canvassing with the petition had already garnered over 200 Township resident's signatures on the WCO petition and an almost equal number of personal stories of disillusionment and loss.  The shock of watching the turtle exodus as their ponds were drained to keep dust down during construction and droves of bats flying about in confusion, the insult of rent-a-cop OPP handing out company citations for trespass on trails used for generations and the in-your-face industrialization of a verdant retreat all seem undiminished by time.  What does seem to have faded is the hype. Suggestions and comments of residents prompted the request.

The response was a unanimous vote in favour by the Reeve and Council. Prince Township joins the league of other rural municipalities seeking to reclaim their local democracy, to protect their citizens health and well-being and to maintain natural heritage values.  Industrial Wind development may have lost its allure but the resentment remains. To quote the astonishing admission by Justin Rolfe-Redding,  a communications strategist , during a March 23 webinar sponsored by the American Council on Renewable Energy, "The more people know about the wind-energy business, the less they like it."

Turbines menace Prince LakeAliens in a peaceful landscape